
Gaining Access

Nmap scan:

I took note of the HTTPS site, and wanted to check it out. Also, added shared.htb to the /etc/hosts file as required.


The website was a standard shopping page.

I wanted to view the certificate that was used to view any names or information that I could use.

There were wildcards present in the domain, so I knew that we had to check for subdomains that were present.

Custom_cart SQLI

The checkout page looked vulnerable to me.

All the parameters passed in via POST request were fine, but when proxying traffic, I noticed the weird custom_cart cookie that was used when we were adding products and viewing stuff. I tested some SQL injection payloads and found it to be vulnerable.

For instance, I was able to enumerate the datbase that was used.

The output of the injection was printed on screen for us. We can now enumerate the database, which has a user table within it. This payload can be used to enumerate whatever we need:

custom_cart = {"breached' and 0=1 union select 1, username, 3 from heckout.user -- -": "10"}

From there, we can find out the username of the user, which is james_mason.

We can also find his hash.

This password can be cracked using crackstation.

Then, we can ssh in as james_mason.

Privilege Escalation

We find that there's another user called dan_smith, and we cannot access the user flag he has:


I ran pspy to see what processes were running on the server. Found a few interesting ones, the first being that the root user was running redis-server.

The second was that dan_smith was running ipython consistently.


We can enumerate the version of ipython that was running.

This version was vulnerable to an RCE exploit.

Following the PoC, we can grab dan's private key:

Then, we can SSH in as dan.


We saw earlier that root was running redis-server. We first need to search for the password for this server. Firstly, we can check the version and find that it's outdated and vulnerable to the Redis ExecuteCommand Module exploit.

I ran LinPEAS, and found one within the /usr/local/bin/redis_connector_dev file.

We can then sign in using redis-cli on the machine and load the exploit.