Portswigger Labs

Lab 1: Simple Case

Very simple. Check stock is vulnerable:

Lab 2: Time Delay via Sleep

To solve, cause a 10 second delay. There is a 'Submit feedback' function.

Test each parameter, and find that using the concat function || works with the email parameter.


Lab 3: Output Redirection

Blind OS command execution, and response is not returned. To solve, execute whoami and retrieve output.

This lab gives us a writeable directory at /var/www/images. Pretty straightforward.

Abusing the email parameter again, just do ||whoami>/var/www/images/test.txt. When the home page is loaded, I saw that it uses a filename parameter:

Using this, change it to filename=test.txt to solve the lab.

Lab 4: Out of Band Interaction

This is pretty simple. One can use curl or wget to trigger a response to an external server. Since the lab requires a DNS lookup to be done, use nslookup.


Lab 5: Out of Band Exfiltration

One can use a template literal ` to solve this.


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