
Gaining Access

As usual, we start with an Nmap scan:

Doing a detailed scan, we can find that port 8080 was running a Jetty instance.


Port 8080 revealed a Jenkins instance login page:

With Jenkins, I attempted to create a Windows batch command that would execute every minute like so:

However, this failed because the box was unable to reach my machine. I suppose there is a firewall or something within the machine that is blocking outgoing TCP traffic.

Instead, we can use this machine to enumerate the box instance. I noticed that the machine was building the workspace in this directory:

I opeted to view the files in that directory using dir /s.

We find another .jenkins folder. Within that, we would find another users folder with some config.xml files:

Naturally, the admin one is more interesting. Taking a look reveals that there is an encoded password within it:

Decrypting Password

With Jenkins instances, we would need to extract 2 files that are used to decrypt this password, which is the master.key and the hudson.util.Secret files. These can be found within the C:\users\oliver\AppData\Local\Jenkins\.jenkins\secrets\ folder.

Since they might be in non-printable characters, we would need to use Base64 to get them out. This can be done with a little Powershell scripting.

powershell "[convert]::ToBase64String((Get-Content -path '<PATH>' -Encoding byte))"

After extracting both of these files, we can use this tool to decrypt them:

Then, we can evil-winrm in as oliver.

Privilege Escalation

Once in the machine, I ran Sharphound.ps1 to enumerate for me:


We find that within Bloodhound, the oliver user has the ForceChangePassword permission over the smith user.

The smith user has GenericWrite permissions over the maria user:

And lastly, the maria user has WriteOwner permissions over the Domain Admins group:

Interesting path of exploits.

Oliver to Smith

Moving to the smith user is rather easy. We can simpy change his password using some Powerview

$newpass = ConvertTo-SecureString 'Password@123' -AsPlainText -Force
. .\powerview.ps1
Set-DomainUserPassword -Identity smith -AccountPassword $newpass

Then we can evil-winrm in.

Smith to Maria

Because we had GenericWrite over maria now, we can set an SPN for the user maria and Kerberoast the user.

However, this did not work out well as I was not able to make use of the ticket. Furthermore, the firewall was still up and I could not transfer files around easily. As such, I opted to read the maria user's directory to see what files are present since we cannot do anything else.

As smith, we can create a malicious Powershell script and change the logon script for maria.

Within the desktop, I found this Engines.xls file.

Copying it to another directory, I was able to move it to my machine using the download command from evil-winrm. Within it, we can find some credentials:

We can use the last credential to evil-winrm in as maria:

Maria to Domain Admin

Because maria has WriteOwner privileges over the group, we can simply add ourselves to the Domain Admin group:

# PowerView
Set-DomainObjectOwner -Identity "Domain Admins" -OwnerIdentity "maria"
Add-DomainObjectAcl -TargetIdentity "Domain Admins" -PrincipalIdentity maria -Rights All
net group "Domain Admins" maria /add

Afterwards, we can re-logon using evil-winrm and see that we have full administrative privileges:

We can then access the administrator desktop and capture the root flag.