
Gaining Access

Nmap Scan:


On port 443, we can head to the website to find some kind of streaming platform.

Checking the cert, we can find another domain name:

We can add this domain to our /etc/hosts files. Another notable thing we found was the login function on the main domain.

SQL Injection

The new domain leads us to a different website.

The page was written in PHP (visiting index.php brings us to home page), thus we can fuzz possible endpoints with the .php extension using gobuster -x flag.

Within search.php, we can find a query function.

This was vulnerable to SQL Injection, and the payload a' union select 1,2,3,4,5,6;-- - works. From here, we can enumerate out the users and tables present in the website.

Using the STREAMIO database, we can dump out the tables present:

Then, we can take a look at the users table. This can be done using a' union select 1, concat(username, ':', password), 3,4,5,6 from users; -- -.

After getting all the credentials, we can crack the hashes and then brute force the login.php page we found earlier on streamio.htb. The user yoshihide and his password works!

Debug Fuzz

Within the admin dashboard, we can see a few functionalities that cause a unique parameter of ?staff= to be passed.

I found this rather interesting, and wanted to fuzz this more. I was able to find another debug endpoint using wfuzz.

I also used gobuster to see what other files were present on this directory.

master.php was the most unique.

Eval RCE

Within the debug page, there isn't much visual difference apart from one line:

Because this page was in PHP, I tested the debug parameter with a common php://filter LFI exploit, and this worked!

We can then take a look at that master.php file we found earlier. The last bit was the most interesting.

    if($_POST['include'] !== "index.php" ) 
    echo(" ---- ERROR ---- ");

The eval() function was being used, and this was definitely vulnerable to some kind of RCE. So to construct the attack, we can attempt to upload a cmd.php webshell via encoding with base64 and then send it via a POST request with an include parameter.

We can send this request here:

And we finally have RCE on the machine. Then, we can gain a reverse shell via nc.exe.

Privilege Escalation

We don't have much control over the machine with this user, so we need to find another.


When checking netstat, we can find a service listening on port 1433 that was not detectable earlier from our Kali machine.

Also, we can head to the inetpub folder to find credentials, of which we do within the index.php file:

We can then port forward via chisel.

# on Kali
./chisel server -p 8000 --reverse

# on Victim
.\chisel.exe client R:1433:

Using, we can access the database with the credentials we found.

I took a look at the streamio_backup database and found credentials for a nikk37 user.

The hash can be cracked via crackstation.

Then, we can evil-winrm in as this user:

Firefox Passwords + Bloodhound

When I ran WinPEAS on this machine, it picked up on a Firefox credential file. We can use to decrypt the passwords.

Upon decrypting the logins.json file, we can find some more passwords.

Since we had credentials, I also ran a bloodhound-python to enumerate the objects within the host.

Found that the jdgodd user had some permissions over the Core Staff group.

And members of this Core Staff were able to ReadLAPSPassword for the DC.


To exploit this, we would first need to add the jdgodd user into the Core Staff group, and then read the administrator password.

The adding can be done via remote Powershell and Powerview using the credentials we found from Firefox earlier for jdgodd.

$SecPassword = ConvertTo-SecureString 'JDg0dd1s@d0p3cr3@t0r' -AsPlainText -Force
$Cred = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential('streamio\JDgodd', $SecPassword)
Add-DomainObjectAcl -Credential $Cred -TargetIdentity "Core Staff" -principalidentity "streamio\JDgodd"
Add-DomainGroupMember -Identity "Core Staff" -Members 'streamio\JDgodd' -Credential $Cred

Afterwards, we can use crackmapexec modules to read the LAPS password.

Then, we can evil-winrm in as the administrator.