Authentication Bypass
Bypassing logins!
Look out for these:
Weak credentials that can be brute forced.
2FA measures that aren't well secured.
For example, a 2FA measure that has a 6 digit PIN but has unlimited tries for it, allowing for brute force.
Phishing or Social Engineering Attacks to gain passwords.
SQL Injection, XSS or other vulnerabilities.
Lack of account lockout after repeated failed attempts (anti-brute forcing mechanisms)
When testing for this, I ask myself the following questions:
How does the authentication verify the user
What kind of parameters are being passed upon sending a POST request to login?
What is being used to authenticate a user and save their login session?
Are cookies like JWT used?
Can I poison the web cache or smuggle a HTTP request into the backend?
Is there any other information being processed and passed into the web application?
For example, are any other parameters, like userID being used?
Is the website running an outdated version of software that has known exploits for it?
Are there Web Application Firewalls or Intrusion Detection that would trigger upon entering of special characters into the database?
This is a web application uses a JWT token to authenticate a session.
JWT Tokens are basically base64
encoded strings separated into 3 different portions, the header, payload and signature. If one has the private string / key used by the server, the signature (and hence token) can be forged.
This particular application runs on Flask, and flask-unsign
can be used to brute force the cookie:
This allows me to forge any token and hence pass in any data I want. In this case, the username blue
was the admin of the page, hence I created a cookie for that user and logged in.
The swopping of cookies done using Javascript in the browser console with developer.cookie='cookiehere'
Last updated