
HP JetDirect SNMP exploits followed by some

Gaining Access

An Nmap scan reveals that there is only one port open:

When trying to use this Telnet port, we needed some credentials.

There's no way that we have to guess credentials, so I started scanning for UDP ports instead. What I found were some SNMP ports, presumably for the printer.

SNMP Printer Exploit

When googling around for SNMP exploits related to this specific printer, I found one here.

This page suggested that we can leak the password of a printer just by sending a request via SNMP. This basically dumped the password in a numerical form.

However, some of these characters aren't readable via ASCII. This led me to believe they were in hex form, and converting it back to text revealed the password.

The password is P@ssw0rd@123!!123. Now we can access the Telnet port.

Authenticated Telnet

When accessing the telnet instance, we find out that we have the exec command to basically gain RCE over the machine.

With this, a simple reverse shell would do, and also allow us to become the lp user to capture the user flag.

Root Flag

I ran linpeas to enumerate for me and found port 631 to be active, while remaining undetected from nmap.

Using chisel to port forward, we can easily gain access to this instance. We find that this is running CUPS v1.6.1.

This version of CUPS was vulnerable to a root file read exploit. Since this was a port forwarding kind of scenario and I was a bit lazy, I took a loot at the Metasploit exploit code to see what was going on.

Simple enough, we can just read the root flag directly!