
Full of rabbit holes and garbage enumeration. I'll be skipping them.

Gaining Access

Nmap scan:

Lots of ports open.


We can enumerate the SMB shares to find that we have write permissions over one of them.

This folder contains nothing, but the fact that we have write access indicates that we should probably be adding something to it. We can also find some credentials in the other share.

Now, DNS is open, so we can expect to have loads of sub-domains. This machine has so many and it's rather painful to exploit. So I'll cut to the chase, we have to visit that has a login page for us:

We can login using the credentials we found earlier in the SMB share. The page then tells us to visit dashboard.php, which is a Smart Photo Script.

The pagename parameter is vulnerable to LFI, and since this is a PHP application, we can place a PHP reverse shell file somewhere and execute it using this page. That's where the share that we can write to comes in.

Then we can just simply access it by visiting this:,

This works because the pagename paramter automatically truncates the .php extension. The original page included a timestamp at the bottom that is being dynamically generated.

This points towards to some script being used in the backend, and thus we can replace that with our own malicious PHP script to gain a shell.

Privilege Escalation

SQL Credentials

As www-data, we have limited access over everything. The first place to look is within the /var/www file which can contain some credentials.

We can use this to su friend.

Python OS Tampering

When we run pspy64, we can see that root is runnin some scripts in the background:

When we read this script, we can see that it contains some random code that we can't really exploit because we cannot edit it:

We can see that import os is used, and any external modules could be exploitable. Conveniently, the machine let's us have write permission to

Then, we just need to append a Python reverse shell to this:

After opening a listener port and waiting, we would catch a root shell.