$ nmap -p- --min-rate 3000
Starting Nmap 7.93 ( https://nmap.org ) at 2023-07-13 14:13 +08
Nmap scan report for
Host is up (0.17s latency).
Not shown: 65532 closed tcp ports (conn-refused)
22/tcp open ssh
80/tcp open http
50000/tcp open ibm-db2
Web Enumeration -> Brute Force
Port 80 just shows a countdown:
If we view the page source, there's this bit here:
Here's the script:
#!/usr/bin/python3import socketHOST=""PORT=50000s =Nonedefconnect():global s s = socket.socket() s.connect((HOST,PORT))username =b"bob"password =b"[REDACTED]"# Example:# 1\x00admin\x00password\x00deflogin():connect() buf =b"" buf +=b"1" buf +=b"\x00" buf += username buf +=b"\x00" buf += password buf +=b"\x00" s.send(buf) r = s.recv(4096) data = r.split(b"\x00") s.close()ifint(data[0])==1:return data[1].decode()else:returnNone# Example:# 2\x00commands\x00defsend_command(uuid,cmd,*args):connect() buf =b"" buf +=b"2" buf +=b"\x00" buf += uuid.encode() buf +=b"\x00" buf += cmd.encode() buf +=b"\x00"if args != ():for x in args: buf += x.encode() buf +=b"\x00" s.send(buf) r = s.recv(25600) data = r.split(b"\x00") s.close()ifint(data[0])==1:return data[1].decode()else:returnNone#TODO program some of the example functions that we can show to the client
Port 50000 is running an application that uses this script. We know that the user is bob, but the password has been removed. As such, we can brute force his password using an adaptation of the original script:
It seems that we can only run id and curl. Since curl is open, we can try to read some files or do SSRF. Running curl on localhost returns a base64 encoded string:
Using this password, we cannot su to root, but we can check sudo privileges:
bob@cookiecutter:~$ sudo -l
[sudo] password for bob:
Matching Defaults entries for bob on cookiecutter:
env_reset, mail_badpass,
User bob may run the following commands on cookiecutter:
(bob : python_admin) /usr/bin/admin_python3
We could run a special type of Python. I wanted to see what was different about this binary, so I used getcap and saw that this can run setuid: