
Gaining Access

Nmap scan:

Port 80

We can run a gobuster scan on port 80:

I visited the /music directory first and it brought me to some corporate website:

When I clicked login, it brought me to /ona, which was a dashboard for OpenNetAdmin:

This version of OpenNetAdmin was vulnerable to RCE:

We can gain a shell by following the PoC:

Privilege Escalation

Jimmy Credentials

The users present on the machine are joanna and jimmy, and it seems that ssh with this password works on jimmy:

Joanna SSH Key

When looking around the /var/www/internal directory, we can some code referencing the private SSH key of joanna:

When reading further, we can find the password and username hard-coded into the application:

The hash can be cracked to give Revealed. We can read /etc/apache2/sites-available/internal.conf to find the hidden sub-domain and port it is open on:

After port forwarding via ssh -L 52846: jimmy@, we can access the login page:

Logging in reveals a password protected RSA Private Key:

We can decrypt this via ssh2john:

Afterwards, we can use openssl rsa -in key -out privatekey to write the private RSA key, then ssh in as joanna:

Nano GTFOBins

When checking sudo privileges, joanna can run nano as root:

Based on GTFOBins, we can simply run the following commands to gain a shell:
