Portswigger Labs

Lab 1: Basic SSTI

When viewing the requests sent upon viewing a product, this is what I see:

Further testing reveals that this message parameter is printed on the screen:

Using <%= 7/0 %> causes a 500 error. This means that the template is processing information insecurely. Using this, I can execute system("rm /home/carlos/morale.txt").

Lab 2: Basic SSTI with Code Context

This lab provides me with a 'preferred name' feature:

When the request is viewed, I saw that it uses user.first_name.

It looks like this is dynamically retrived. This lab uses a Tornado template, and since it uses user.first_name, the input might be processed like this:


Since the above is probably not sanitised, I can do enter }}{{6*6. This might cause the expressions evaluated to be:

{{user.first_name}}{{6*6}} (the last 2 brackets are automatically there)

The method above works, and the '36' is reflected when I leave a comment on a post. Using this method, one can execute Python using the following format:

<div data-gb-custom-block data-tag="import"></div>{{os.system('rm /home/carlos/morale.txt')

Afterwards, leave a comment on any post.

Lab 3: Using Documentation

This particular lab requires us to identify the template engine used.

The lab provides us with a 'Edit template' option.

Using this, I can attempt to identify the template used using this payload:


The first one is processed!

I went to PayloadAllTheThings and tested all the frameworks of which this worked with, and found that it was FreeMarker being used:

There are quite a few payloads for code execution:

The rest of the lab is trivial.

Lab 4: Unknown Language

Firstly, this lab uses the message parameter, and using {{7*7}} results in an error:

The above uses Handlebars. Hacktricks has a payload for this, which can be modified to solve the lab:


Lab 5: Information Disclosure via User-Supplied Objects

To solve this lab, steal the secret key from the website. By trying to edit the content of a post with this:


It causes this error:

So this runs on Django. Using `

` reveals a ton of information, and actually it shows some Jinja2 debug stuff:

I can then use this payload to extract the key to solve the lab:

Lab 6: Sandboxed Environment

This lab uses the Freemarker template engine. To solve the lab, read /home/carlos/my_password.txt. This lab gives us content-manager access.

This is the payload they used:

${product.getClass().getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource().getLocation().toURI().resolve('/home/carlos/my_password.txt').toURL().openStream().readAllBytes()?join(" ")}

Converting this to ASCII and submitting that solves the lab. I will dive into this exploit...another time.

Last updated