Information Security

Information security focuses on minimising risk to an organisation's information assets. Realistically speaking, it is impossible to make something unhackable. However, measures and controls can be implemented to lower the risk to a level acceptable by organisations.

The main goal of information security is risk management!

Generally, there has 2 distinct teams, the red team and the blue team.

Red Team = Adversary, Blue Team = Defenders.

Specifically for hackers, they can be:

  • Black-Hat: Criminal hackers.

  • White-Hat: Those that hack for good and are law-abiding citizens.

  • Grey-Hat: White-Hats in the day, Black-Hats in the night.

  • Hacktivists: Groups like Anonymous, who hack to promote social agendas and beliefs. Hacks include defacing websites, doxing people, etc.

  • State-Sponsored Threats: Elite hackers sponsored by and acting in their home nation's interests.

  • Script Kiddies: Unskilled people who blindly run pre-made scripts and tools without understanding what they are doing. Uninterested in learning, more interested in looking l33t.

  • Green Hat Hackers: Amateur hackers, but with a clear intention to learn, separating them from script kiddies.

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