Command Injection


Command Injection is a critical vulnerability that results in attackers being able to inject commands on a machine form the website.


First, one has to understand how special characters are processed by websites and shells:

# -> comment
$() -> subshell expression in bash that evaluates the text inside bracket as commands 
; -> used to chain commands together e.g. id ; whoami would execute 2 commands at once
| -> pipe used to pass output from one command to another e.g. whoami | echo
& -> Bitwise AND Operator
&& -> Logical AND Operator
|| -> Logical OR Operator
%0a -> URI encoded newline character (\n)
> -> redirect standard output to a file # ./find_users > users.txt
< -> redirect file contents to an executable # ./echo_name < names.txt
${IFS} -> means " " or space character, useful when there is strict WAF checking

There are tons of payload cheatsheets online, and the one at Hacktricks is very good.

This vulnerability is quite easy confirm:

Blind Injection

Sometimes, the output of commands is not displayed. One can use the ping command to send a packet to our machine, and tcpdump can be used to listen for ICMP packets.

ping -c 1
# sends 1 ICMP packet
sudo tcpdump -i <INTERFACE> icmp

Last updated