May Chong

Scam or not?

Recently, I received this email.

This looks like a poorly constructed email, one because I don't use OneDrive, and second, who is May Chong? Take note that I configured Microsoft Outlook to never download images no matter what by default. This would potentially block any form of scripting that may download viruses just from opening the mail.

Let's take a look at the website using Curl.

So the link uses an index.php and takes some ?id= as the parameter. Interesting because I don't think I've ever seen such a link from NUS. Normally, NUS links come with a domain or something to verfify it.

When checking the rest of the HTML returned, we can see loads of JS.

Quite shabby for an 'NUS' website.

The Website

This is what the website looks like:

Interesting. We can play spot the difference between the image above, and the login from edurec!

Notice a key few differences. There is a property part missing. Also, on Edurec, it says Register 2FA and on the other website, it says Help On 2FA. Also, earlier I used curl to analyse the website to see loads of hidden JS being executed. However, the main page only reveals this in their page source.

We can test the login as follows:

After logging in, it looks like this was just a phishing campaign from NUS.

Quite cool that NUS would do a campaign for this.